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CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN SẢN XUẤT GIẤY OITA prints natural breathing patterns on the toilet paper made from 100% recycled pulp for customers who buy it. For Japananese people, little wild flowers stand for the meaning of nature for a long time. We can easily find some decortions with patterns of small wild flowers or roses, which can be loved by both man and woman, no matter in Japanses or western interior. Instead of dull, these small patterns can bring a luxury feelings for customers when using these 100% pulp products. CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN SẢN XUẤT GIẤY OITA uses its own special technology to randomly print out four kinds of flower for women, and sincerely hope that these products could warm and delight you.
Hoạ tiết hoạt hình
For customers who love cartoon characters could be happy to stay with them all the time. For customers who use toilet alone, especially children who begun to use toilet without the help from mom and dad, could recieve the encouragement from cartoon characters. Considering about the requirement of these customers, Oita Paper Products Co. ,LTD. has successffully procuded the toilet paper with cartoon characters printing. Then, in order to ensure that customers can see the cartoon characters no matter what extent the toilet paper used and make customers warmer and happier, Oita Paper Products Co. ,LTD. has been constantly developing new products. As the toilet paper could no longer be used as paper resource again after washing away with water, we hope that once your touching the toilet paper, you could feel our sincere and heart at once.